
The History Behind Regnier Cakes
My great grandma, President of the CWA, expert cake maker, winner of all CWA competitions (hence the reason for her becoming president, so someone else could win) a strong women and leader in the community.
I wish I had known her. But the her love for cakes and baking was passed down through the generations, skipping a few to get to me.
This explains me, full of strength, determination and an absolute love for baking.
As a child I was always help mum in the kitchen every chance I had. Grade 5 became the start of what would be my baking dreams, I entered my very first cake competition at my school fete. I selected the piggy cake from the famous Women’s Weekly cake book. To my surprise I won my first competition.
Once I reached high school, my parents sent me to a local cake decorating school to learn some exciting cake decorating techniques. From that day onwards every family members birthday and every public holiday gave me an excuse to bake and decorate.
At age 16 I decided it was time to take my love of baking to a new level. I left high school and started my baking and pastry apprenticeship. Thanks to my dad driving me to work at 3am I was able to follow my dream.
In 2001 and 2002 I represented Victoria in the National Bake Skills competition, where I won many awards including best chocolate base invention cake (which today is know as my wicked Belgian mud cake). There I was lucky enough to work and be mentored by some of the best pastry chefs and bakers in Australia. In 2002 I was awarded Victoria’s food apprentice of the year, and once again was lucky enough to represent my state again in the National LA Judge Baking Awards.
Then Regnier Cakes was born, crafting cakes for friends and family. I worked for years refining my skills and inventing new recipes on my days off from my full time job. Today Regnier Cakes is my full time business. Using my skills and knowledge from my pastry background, I’m not only designing amazing cakes but creating mouth watering flavours to tempt all taste buds. June 2015 I secured my first premises, a kitchen to call my own.
Now the dream continues, finding a new space with my industry friends to share our love of everything sweet and magical.
Everyday something amazing is being crafted in the Regnier Cakes kitchen, and I hope I will be able to assist you and your family to design and create something special for your next occasion.
Many best wishes
Melina Regnier